Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Curiosity and Creativity

Curious people ask "Why?" Creative people ask "Why not?" Sounds like two polar opposites to me, yet they go hand in hand. Curiosity raises the question and Creativity finds the answer.

As I sat on my couch earlier today "chatting" with my brother in France and my sister in Indiana while reading about the latest St. Louis Cardinals offseason moves (or lack thereof) and listening to some Maroon 5 tracks, I wondered to myself how in the world we got into this thing called the 21st Century. For all intents and purposes I still consider myself a young man, but the changes I've seen in my life since the time I can remember are absolutely astounding. I can hardly fathom what it must be like for someone like say um? Mr. Whittler who still has trouble with this thing called the "wheel."

No really, all kidding aside what type of people do you think are most responsible for the rapid changes we have seen over the last twenty years. The Curious? Or the Creative? Or is it a combination of both? And what type of person are you? If you're neither, then maybe you need to start asking more questions. Ever think of that?

(Yes, I know that this blog has nothing to do with the "giant elephant in the room" - the relocation, but frankly I'm tired of talking about it and need a break. So, the blog seemed like a good place to get it. However, if you have something major that you just need to get off your chest or a great question, then by all means go ahead.)