Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Curiosity and Creativity

Curious people ask "Why?" Creative people ask "Why not?" Sounds like two polar opposites to me, yet they go hand in hand. Curiosity raises the question and Creativity finds the answer.

As I sat on my couch earlier today "chatting" with my brother in France and my sister in Indiana while reading about the latest St. Louis Cardinals offseason moves (or lack thereof) and listening to some Maroon 5 tracks, I wondered to myself how in the world we got into this thing called the 21st Century. For all intents and purposes I still consider myself a young man, but the changes I've seen in my life since the time I can remember are absolutely astounding. I can hardly fathom what it must be like for someone like say um? Mr. Whittler who still has trouble with this thing called the "wheel."

No really, all kidding aside what type of people do you think are most responsible for the rapid changes we have seen over the last twenty years. The Curious? Or the Creative? Or is it a combination of both? And what type of person are you? If you're neither, then maybe you need to start asking more questions. Ever think of that?

(Yes, I know that this blog has nothing to do with the "giant elephant in the room" - the relocation, but frankly I'm tired of talking about it and need a break. So, the blog seemed like a good place to get it. However, if you have something major that you just need to get off your chest or a great question, then by all means go ahead.)


Anonymous said...

i like cub character i think its a good way to kid of realax untill your next class. but i cat wait untill second semester and i can wait to see our new school. its just to bad that we'll only get to enjoy them for 1 year.

Anonymous said...

I think that the people how ask why not are more responsible than the curios and I happen to be both I am always tring to figure out why and if someone else knows why, I ask questions and normally it ends up with a "why not".

Anonymous said...

i am glad we are moving i think it will be fun and i want to see the new school next year

Anonymous said...

I totle agree. And I'm so curise about alot.That thang about Mr.Whittler is super funny. You have a brother in France that is cool.

from zack

Anonymous said...

I did not know you had a brother at all.I am creative just like you i make a lot of different creative things.Just keep your principle work a going and keep the school safe (that is for both of you).

Anonymous said...

I would be more a creative person because i like to make things.so what are you.

Anonymous said...

hi mr thomann i agree with you.if you look back when you were little its way different than now like cell phones i cant beleive we call them phones after all they can do .and you are right what has the twenty first century brought us

Anonymous said...

If we are too curious, it could hurt us. But if we arent curious enough, it could hurt us also. Being creative is good because you can do many things by being creative. By putting them together, you can think of many different ways to do things. Curious for wondering of new things; creative for doing new things. if you have neither, you wont have as many possibilities of doing things.
Also, i cant wait for the move. I cant wait for the new school!

Anonymous said...

over the past twenty years i think the creative people are most responsible for the rapid changes...i am creative because once somebody asks a question i will ask why not! :)

Anonymous said...

I think if we get to curious we could end up with nothing so we need to be creative so we can find solutions to what we are looking into. If you are neither, than you cant do anything because youre not trying to make any thing or youre not thinking, so everybody has to have a little of both! Oh, I also agree that the Cards need to make some deals this year.

Anonymous said...

hi mr thoman you are awsome i was wondering about the move are there going to be buses that will pick us up from our house and take us to the church and how do you get home thanks bye

Anonymous said...

I think the creative and the curious are both making changes because we need both of these types of people in our world.We all need ask questions and try to search for answers we cant just have one or the other.I think i am more curious than creative but not by far!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hay i agree i think it is great to ask anybody anything!
and then when thay tell you the answer then it can lead to a whole new way of thinking! then you can take your answer and run a think of something new! then ask again! its a never ending thing!!!!
your student lol

Anonymous said...

Me, im probably what you would call a creative person. When i am trying to figure out things in a group i am usually someone that would be coming up with posibilities, then asking "why not?" when people doubt me. I guess it just kind of goes with what people call my "leadership qualities". Even though, they sometimes get me in trouble. =/

Anonymous said...

You have a brother in France thats really cool.I dont know if I am curious or creative. What are you?
That thing about Mr. Whittler was funny to.Abuot the move ...They say we are getting bussed to the highschool to P.E but why don't we just walk there and that will be some of our excercise.And why cant we bring what we regularlly bring it wont take up that much space at all and it keeps me organized to have all my stuff with me!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't want to do the move because personaly i don't think the middle school needs to change. I won't c my friends i 8th grade and i want have my own space once we move into the church because we have tables and we don't get to bring our bags home

Anonymous said...

im totally xited bout th move cause my bro is in high school and he might give me a ride to the church lol and im sooo curious about th new classrooms and stuff like that