Monday, September 22, 2008

Confidence to Take Action

We are quickly approaching the month of October and the new condition will be "Confidence to Take Action." This could not come at a better time for couple of reasons. The most obvious is the fact that our national elections will take place on November 4th. If you've been living in a hole then maybe you don't know that this is one of the most important elections in our nation's history. The war in Iraq and the economic crisis have turned this election into a real crossroads for our country. Now I know that middle school students do not have the right to vote, but it doesn't mean you can't influence someone. Why not turn on the news once in a while, or just pay attention during Channel One. Educate yourself on the issues and then remind the adults in your life how important it is just to vote. If they don't want to, then tell them they're casting your vote for you! Also, be sure to listen for annoucements about the ERMS election. But remember, you've got to register if you want to vote!

Another reason that Confidence to Take Action is fitting for this time of year is because the novelty of coming back to school has worn off and we're getting back to the daily grind. When this happens, many students start looking for ways to entertain themselves, and that old middle school tradition of teasing, harrassing, and poking fun at others begins to rear its ugly head. Each and every one of you is likely in a position every day to do something about it. But, do you have the Confidence to Take Action? It doesn't take much! All you have to do is help someone when they are down, sit by someone new at lunch, or simply say "That's not cool, and I won't be a part of it." Are you man (or woman) enough to do that? Trust me, if you are then you'll have the best day you've had all year.

So how are you going to take action in October? Are you going to get off your rear and do something? Or just continue on with business as usual letting everyone else do the heavy lifting? Post a comment and let us know.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait till October.That's when Hallowen comes and I get candy.I love the conditon of the month for October.well i gotta go later.

Anonymous said...

I realy think all adults should vote because every vote counts.People have a right to vote so they should take that privalage with honor.

Anonymous said...

I couldnt wait for school to start this summer.I was really excited to get to see my friends and see who i was going to get for my next teacher.This year is way better because we are moving up to 7th grade.We get way more freedom this year.Like for example in the mornings when we first get here we dont have to go to the cafeteria and sit and wait for the belll to ring.We get to go and walk around in the hall way until the bell rings.We also get to go sit wherever we want to at lunch.So as you can tell I am very excited for the rest of the year.

Anonymous said...

I am glad that the election is coming up I enjoy seeing who becomes president. I agree completly you should vote and it is very important to vote. I am going to try to help people and no let every one else do the heavy lifting.I am going to have the confidence to take action.

Anonymous said...

I cant wait till we get to vote here at the middle school, its important to vote because we need a good president to lower prices for everything. The other day I went to that gas station to get a drink and like 2 days after, I went back to get the same drink and it was raised a dollar. We need a good president that will take pride for the country.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until the Presidental election! The election at school will be awesome. I would like to know what president our school will mijourity pick.

Anonymous said...

yes,I do plan on voting .It is a very important time in the country .Also if you do not vote then you have no right to complain about the choices they choose to do.

Anonymous said...

To take action for some people are hard for others are not. We need to take action the kids we need to start respecting teachers more and not talk when they are. Also sit by someone that need a freind maby to talk to or just to sit by.I know no one would want to sit by a new kid but if u were that kid u would want a freind wouldnt you?I would.And the stuiped stuff we are doing like fights theres no point in a fight. I feel we the student need to change alot of stuff. I mean come on we are CUBS!!!Just think about it.

Anonymous said...

I have the confidence to take action, and i will show that by either sitting by someone new at lunch or making someone cheerful when thier down.

Anonymous said...

If someone were doing something I didn't like I would tell them to stop and I would help other people but sometimes people need to stand up for their selves

Anonymous said...

I think that having a presidential electoin at ERMS is a great idea. It will give everyone an idea of what students think of the nominees. The way I will take action of bullying is by standing up for my fellow classmates and putting a stop to bullying. I can't wait until I can vote here at ERMS and help put a stop to bullying!

Anonymous said...

Hey! In the halls there is alot of stuf going on. Are YOU being bulled and don't now how to stop it' step up and say somthing! If you see it hapining to some one and you don't like it youshould do the same thing! Don't bully some one just because you don't like them, just leve them be. maybe thay will leve you alone to!

Anonymous said...

I think every body should help at least someone.stand up and help people if they need help,or at least try to help them.

Anonymous said...

I have seen a lot of bullying, i've been the victum, and i've even done some. Most people say they were just kidding,or it was an axident. Some are but not all. Now this year isn,t all bad, we have a new election comming up, and I can't wait!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait till Halloween with all the candy we gotta take some action and go get that candy!! woot woot!1

Anonymous said...

i think having an election her at school is a great will open mind allot of the kids here and make them not fear anythang else and i love october its my favorite month of the year because u get to go tping p.s watch out

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that electiond coming up and i am also glad Octobers coming up cause its ganna be hallowen and i think we should all enjoy the elections this year cause its ganna be real interesting and i want to see whats ganna happen

Anonymous said...

i couldnt wait till school. i was ready to see all of my friends scence i never saw all of them over the summer. this year i am in 7th grade i was happy i was because i felt like the teachers trust us and let us walk around and not sit in the lunch room every me it sucked but i understood we had to.i gotta go later

Anonymous said...

I can't wait till october! Thats when the election and my favorite, Halloween!!! I am excited about halloween. This year i will be " Michel Miers". I will be having a haunted hay ride and a haunted house to. I will be the scariest. Don't forget to elect!!

Anonymous said...

I think that it is important to stand up for other people it`s just that alot of people are scared that if they try then they will get teased because we are scared if we try to help someone else then hiding their insecureties will show ours.
But on a different note i absolutely love October there is halloween and pumpkins and just the beautiful weather is good enough everyone and is talking about who they want to vote for too and i love politics so it`s is just a great time of year.well i guess that is all ttfn.

Anonymous said...

I will take action by sitting by people I don't know at lunch and meeting new people. This year is better I think to me because the election is coming up and we can speak up, too. I am excited for this year because we get more freedom than we did last year. I like that we can sit by our friends at lunch and alot more stuff, but I like that we have more freedom.

Anonymous said...

I love the election even if I can't vote,it's still up to us the canidates will be our predsident to not just our parents.

October is great to I love the smell of crisp,sweet air whenever I get out side!!Plus Halloween I love candy!!!!

Anonymous said...

well i think that the part u were talking about stepping away from the bad things is good .For one reason.It is cause i see so many bad things that happen in life and sometimes in school like, people telling each other to fight or just manley getting under peer preasure.ALso thats good for people picking on another when they didnt do anything.October will be fun to see.With halloween coming and my parents leaving October 30. So ya .

Anonymous said...

Well first off i think it is a great idea to let us have a chance to vote. I fell it will be a good opertunety for me since I want to be the president some day. This October I will try to make new freinds and try to stand up for my old one meaning I will not let people pick on my freinds or on me for the friends i have. i like the blog for this month. P.S. I will be sure to vote.

Anonymous said...

Iam very exicted about the election this year becuse no matter who wins they will make history . Not to mention that we get to vote at school and see who would win if just our school was voting. I don't know who I will vote for but I don't really know much about either one of the canidates

Anonymous said...

I cant wait till' October because, my birthday is on the 12 and halloween is right around the corner

Anonymous said...

I love October my B-Day is on the 10th . I also love that the best and funest holiday is in october.!!!HOLLOWEEN!!!So on my way to get treats I like to carry a big pink bag so that all my:jolly ranchers snickers and other yummy treats to hang out before being devowered.The condision of the month is great it's also very resonable. One of my friends are allways being made fun of becuse of his wait but me and Anthony are BFF's. thenks for lisening but I got to go. TTYL!

Anonymous said...

i like october becuse thats wene my b day is

Anonymous said...

I cant wait till October, because that is when the talent show, the chorus and band cocert is ,and also the IMEA and the play if i make it but if i dont i can't wait to see it because it sounds really cool!! I also can't wait for the election at school. I am going to try to help people in their time of need becuase i know what it feels like to be in that position ..i was in that position last year, and yet im still in it now, but i am getting help from Mr.Thomann and mr.Whittler, and myfriends and family and so its starting to turn out okay. I hope noone gets in the same position i was in!! durring the summer i didnt get to see all of my friends just the ones i went to church with and lived by.I couldnt wait till school started so i could see my friend at meet my new teacher ( i love my new teachers) i like the 7th grade i think its cool because we get more freedom like in the mornings we get to go and walk around the hall and at lunch we get to sit by who ever we want and where ever we want. I can't wait to see how the 2nd half of school turns out. I hope it turns out okay.even though we (the7th graders) will be going from church to the highschool every day for band and chorus.And also we cant be running around in that church becuase it isnt that big and it will be easier for someone to get hurt trust me. anyway enough of the talk about the church. i can't wait to see what the new building looks like on the inside!!I'm excited! well i have to go can't wait till october bye!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad we are going to be having a election at school this year, because I think it will get kids to actually get up and do something that everyone will enjoy and maybe they will want to do more in the future.

Anonymous said...

This year has already flown by. I haven't seen any fights or anything like that YET, but I'm sure if I do I will have confidencce to take action. I always love to cheer people up!=]

Anonymous said...

Election day would be more exciting if people under 18 could actually vote if they want to.I'm only 13 and I know more about politics than a few adults.Go McCain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I like October because you go door to door and get candy. Hallowen is coming ever soon.

Anonymous said...

The character of the month is good. We have alot of new kids this year, and it seems like they are getting along ok. If you're nervous about talking to them imagine how they feel there new. I like the idea of this months character, and i hope that alot of people will take a stand. I will try to do my best on it to.

Anonymous said...

I love the month of october it is one of the best months of the year cause of halloween and stuff cause i like gettin candy Plus i love the condtion of the month for october it fit everyone so well. I have the confidence to take action. Do You?

Anonymous said...

i want to go to the church because it will be differnt than this sckhool

Anonymous said...

yo i want to go to the church

Anonymous said...

October rules! Best month of the year. You got TP'ing and scaring little kids. You got football and cold days. Anyway, back to bullys. The word "school" means "bullys". As long as you attend school with peers, your going to be bullied or be a bully. Where'd they even get the name "bully"? None of them have horns. Atleast, I don't think they do....But, even if they really deserve it, don't get in a fight because then you will be in more trouble then them. And if you speak up to them, watch you mouth. And i'm off.

Anonymous said...

October is the best month. My birthday, Halloween. Basketball is starting and i am ready 2 play.Go cubs!!! Woo-Hoo!!