Monday, August 18, 2008

Welcome Back!

Wow! Did we even have a summer break or was that just a long weekend? This summer more than any I can remember seemed to come and go without so much as a warning. Aside from that fact that it was actually shorter than usual, we've also had so much going on around here that it was hard to stop and enjoy the break. With that being said however, the extra hustle and bustle around here has been due to the fact that we are constantly prepping and planning for our 2nd semester adventure. We will be moving out of our familiar surroundings and relocating in three separate locations in order for the middle school to be remodeled into a building fit to provide a true 21st century education.

But lets not jump the gun! We've got an entire semester ahead of us before we get to that point. The trap we cannot fall into is letting the anticipation of 2nd semester keep us from focusing on the task at hand. We must do our best to keep things normal for now, all while keeping it in the back of our minds that we have to be prepared when the time comes to move out.

So, what about this year? It's going to be a great year. We've got two great classes returning and a 6th grade class that has been highly touted by the elementary school. There really is no feeling quite like the first few days of school when you are a student or a teacher. So do your best to make that good first impression and help make this a special year for everyone at ERMS.

The condition of the month for August is Spirit of Adventure. This is very fitting when you consider what type of year we are embarking upon. Sign on and make a comment to this blog. Let everyone know your thoughts on coming back to school.


Ms. Tyler said...

I love the beginning of school. I get excited when I see stores setting out all those new school supplies. This year has started off great. The sixth graders are getting settled more and more every day. While I look forward to what the year brings, I always cherish the first few weeks of getting to see all my former students and getting to know my new ones. Here's to a another great year at ERMS!

RT said...

This is such an unusual year for me - I feel just like a new kid! For the first time since I've been at ERMS, I'm not teaching 8th grade language arts, and it seems really strange to me. My new class is Gateways (to 21st Century Skills)with 6th, 7th, and 8th graders, and I already love it. We're doing all kinds of puzzles, challenges, and brain activities. One of the best parts is that I'll get to meet so many kids this year since I get three new groups every quarter. I look forward to the adventure and to having many of you in my class. Have a great year!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to school ERMS!
ETS is looking forward to a new year - we can't wait to revisit our current students and introduce ourselves to the new 6th grade class.

kenzie said...

This is Going to be a great year and everybody thinks so too

Anonymous said...

I love school.I could't wait too see all my friends that I never see over the summer and to see who my teachers were..But I'm kinda scared because after 2nd quarter we are going to the church.I'm glad that we are because we can see how it is like a christian school,but its gonng be difficult for all the teachers,parents,bus drivers,etc.I like 7th grade better than 6th grade because you get more freedom like the morning walk around.I like it because some of the my friends aren't in my class that I can't see.And like Mrs.Tyler said when I walk into a store I love seeing the school supplies.I also can't wait for the new builing because the new 8th grader for next year will be in it.
A shout-out to Kylie,Meika,Chaney,Sierra,McKynzi,And Rachel!That I hardely got to see in the summer!well gotta get back to class later.

Anonymous said...

I love having new teachers (that don’t give much homework) :-P I hate homework 7th grade students are a lot better than 6th & 8th grade students We will win the cookie dough fundraiser!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Even though I am not a big fan of school I was glad to get back 2 get back 2 school 2 see my friends.
I like 7th grade more than 6th grade bacause u get 2 walk around. I don't like 7th grade becuase there in 2 much HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!! I like 2 see my all of my friends every morming.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until we move second semester to the United Methidist Church. As you can see I love adventures. Eighth grade for us will be awesome with a brand new school and everything. As you can see I love adventures. But some bad things will happen too, we will not see all the 8th graders and 6th graders.

Anonymous said...

It has been a great year so far.I am likeing my seventh grade teachers they are all nice.I am really looking forward to second semester.It will be pretty cool going to a new place and all.I want to see how the schedule works when we go to the new place.School has been pretty good and i cant wait for second semester

Anonymous said...

The week that school was getting ready to start, it was a pretty good week for me because I knew that we were getting ready to start school again. But then again I didnt want to start school because I wanted to play more baseball with my friends, but when I come to school I get to see my friends that I havent seen all summer break. I kinda want to get out of this school because I think it will be pretty fun because ive been here for already a year and I kinda want to get out of this school and go to a different surrounding. I hope that we have a good year this year!

Anonymous said...

It was a bitter sweet moment when i relized that school was getting ready to start up again. I was excited to see my friends that i didn't get to see over the summer but, i was sad that the summer was coming to an end. It's definatly going to be a change moving to a different building but i am looking forward to see what the new school is going to look like! I hope this school year goes just as well as last year!

Anonymous said...

Even though I am not a big fan of school I was glad to get back 2 get back 2 school 2 see my friends.
I like 7th grade more than 6th grade bacause u get 2 walk around. I don't like 7th grade becuase there in 2 much HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!! I like 2 see my all of my friends every morming.

Anonymous said...

I am really exited about being back to school.I look forward to all the adventures we will have in 7Grade.I also look forward to are transition from the middle school to the church we are going to.7grade is I think better than 6grade.I look forward to an exiting to another fun school year.

Anonymous said...

Second semester should be fun. I can't wait to see the new school after it is redone. It will be a great aventure,in 8th grade. This school year is awesome so far I have met the new students and their pretty cool. Even though I do love school I still can't wait for this coming summer.
This year is great!!!

Anonymous said...

I was so happy when I hurd about second semester, but now it is geting closer and I am geting more and more nervus. What are we doing for lockers? What will we do for P.E.? There is so many things i whant to know. so I will just go with the flow. We all will see what hapens. GO CUBS!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was a 6th grader last year i was so nervus about 7th grade. I thought I would never make it to my classes. This year is great so far i have tons of new freinds and iam looking forward to are brand new school. But I realy think we will get though the rest of the year with easy going to the church will be an adventure and fun.I am looking forward to a great year and i hope all the teachers and students do to. WE ARE CUBS!!!We stand strong no mader what!!!

Anonymous said...

Comming back to school was a great adventure being a 7TH grader was one of the great adventures of school but im kinda worried about the second semester it will be hard to focus on school with all thes changes but I think it will get better as we get use to it and settle in.And hopfully that will be fast.

Anonymous said...

I couldnt wait for school to start this summer.I was really excited to get to see my friends and see who i was going to get for my next teachers.This year is way better because we are moving up to 7th grade.We get way more freedom this year.Like for example in the mornings when we first get here we dont have to go to the cafeteria and sit and wait for the belll to ring.We get to go and walk around in the hall way until the bell rings.We also get to go sit wherever we want to at lunch.So as you can tell I am very excited for the rest of the year.

Anonymous said...

I am a little woried about swiching
to a different school,and having different room, ways to do things ,and no computers. But i'm glad we're back.I'm doing better in school and it's great!!!

Anonymous said...

I liked the beggining of the school year.We got new lockers,And we met our new teachers.What I like about the school year is we have new classrooms.I really think I will accomplish this school year by a long shot.

Anonymous said...

second semester should be fun lol the only bummer is that it will cut down on my time to listen to my mp3 player on the bus (again lol)i just hope that we will still have awesome lunches from our cooks
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

this year will be great i am exited about being in seventh grade because you will have different people in every class.IT'S GONNA BE GREAT!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This school year is goin to be cool. I think being with friends and meeting teachers is fun. WOO-Hoo

Anonymous said...

I really like the school year so far but its diffrent not being in 6th gade anymore but i love 7th grade.I really am scared about 2nd quarter because we are moving to the curch and i really arent that excited bout it because its going to be crazy and confuseing!!Well im going to go buh bye.

And thanks for the shout out Maci!!

Anonymous said...

So far i have loved 7th grade.My favorite would be morning walk around. Its much funner than sitting in the lunch room because you cant walk around and see your friends that are in a higher grade...Anyways, during about the middle of the school year we are moving to the church.I am not looking foward to the move,we wont get to see the 8th graders,our schedul will be messed up and for pe we have to be bussed to the high school.This will not be fun but at least i get too see my friends!!! A shout out 2 my besties, Kenzi F. Maci G. Meika L. etc. Well these are some of my thoughts!!!

Anonymous said...

I was kinda lookin forward to school because i didn't get to see my friends over the summer.

Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving! Turkey! Hunting! Hoo-rah!!!!!!But it's too cold to play soccer! Boo-hiss!

Anonymous said...

I like the the beginning of the school because the last blog was updated in September. From:paravi

Anonymous said...

This is my first year at this school and so far it is very fun and know I have a knew school in a different state in my realm of experience.

Anonymous said...

i love school 7th is so much better than 6th.We get to sit were ever we want at lunch and the dances are so fun!!I get to see all my besties! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad school has finally started. I get bored at home and I enjoy seeing all of my friends here at school. It's going to be different at the church next semester. The thing I'll like the most is all the 7th graders will eat lunch together. I'll be able to sit by all my friends. I can't wait to see the new school next year. It'll be a lot different next year.

Anonymous said...

i am glad school started because I get to see all my friends and get to see new teachers.All of my teachers are nice.I can't wait to see our new school next year I think it is going to be AWESOME but I will olney get to be in it for 1 year.Well I got to get back to class bye.

Anonymous said...

I love the begining of skool!! You get to see all your friends and best friends to (Rachel) :) The dances with 8TH GRADERS are fun to !!!! I love learning new things :) :) :) And getting good grades. Participating in basketball is awesome!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~! :):):):):):)

Anonymous said...

School has been soo fun latley! Being in 7th grade is the best you get to walk around.We have more privilages this year than last and the teaches are the best!!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad to back at school and to see my friends again. This year is goin to be a tough year with the big move and all.I am kinda excited about it cuz I think this school could need some work one on it to make it even better. I love all my teachers they are so nice especially Mrs. Leslie, she is my favorite teacher so far.Mr Bayles is my 2nd favorite cuz he is nice and I love science. and finally Ms. Snider not to be mean or anything I have nothing against her I just don't like Math at all. It is just not my subject.Well got 2 go.